About Me

As with all good ideas...somebody's already thought of them, acted on them and blogged about them. So I make no pretence to be original here - this blog is really an indulgence for myself.

I am Sarah and I used to be renowned for my inablity to cook.  I burned soup, made inedible shepherd's pie and once I made a sponge that I could actually fold in half and it didn't break.  However, I always longed for success and kept trying.....and then I found Nigella!  I attribute my love of cooking and new found capability to the gorgeous Nigella Lawson. An icon of fabulousness, Nigella inspired me to cook, eat and enjoy. In times of cooking crisis I always ask myself - What would Nigella do?

THE Domestic Goddess


  1. Hi!
    My name is Michelle and I am working with BritMums on the Brilliance in Blogging Awards. Can you please send me your contact email so I can send you some information for the BiBs finalists? Many thanks!
    Regards, Michelle
    (theamericanresident AT yahoo DOT co DOT uk)
